We provide ID services to Small Businesses, Clubs and Organizations, Conferences, Conventions, Nonprofit Organizations, Entertainment Venues, Co-Working Spaces, School Clubs, Volunteer Organizations and more!
We provide ID services to Small Businesses, Clubs and Organizations, Conferences, Conventions, Nonprofit Organizations, Entertainment Venues, Co-Working Spaces, School Clubs, Volunteer Organizations and more!
Stop wasting money on cheap store bought costumes! They typically last one night before falling apart and don't look nearly as good as something you can easily piece together yourself!
Premiere DIY Cosplay™, sponsored by Epic IDs, allows you to easily make a high quality costume yourself that you can use at comic-con conventions, Halloween parties, and more, that'l look better and last longer! No cutting, no sewing, no problem!
Simply purchase the various clothing and accessories,. After that, relax, wait for them to arrive and have fun in your new, premiere cosplay!
Shaun of the Dead stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as a pair of directionless guys who find themselves in a zombie uprising. They're surrounded by zombies, but don't realize what's happening until they turn on the TV. Without much preparation, they'll have to improvise for their zombie defenses.
All "Shaun of the Dead" Cosplay consists mostly of things you may already have in your closet. Below is a list of everything you'd need for each premiere DIY cosplay costume!